BEMACON vehicle weighing (WINPRTV)
After first weighing operation option vehicle weighing stores all net weights in an onsite list.The assignment is done via the license plate number. If the vehicle leaves the factory site after loading,
the second weighing operation determines the total weight and calculates the load weight.

The weighing note can be designed freely. Using placeholders weighing information can be embeded into the text:
- [ddmmyyyy] : date
- [h:m] : time
- [kkkkkkkkkk] : license plate number
- [gggggggggggg] : gross weight
- [llllllllllll] : tare weight
- [zzzzzzzzzzzz] : load weight
- [aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa] : alibi number (for scales with alibi memory)
- [nnnnnnn] : weighing number
- [v1] - [v3] : free text fields

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