Example Piece Counting
The operator starts the processing dialog on the scale with the F1 key
The F1 key is assigned to the macro #60.
StueckzahlermittlungP1,1a%%C%e Beh[ ]P2,1%%C2,5,3,3%%K%e %%\Pa%%C%%B%%E%e =80.60P%%o%e BehNr=%%$80.60P%%o%%$%e 13%%&%e
The Macro displays header Piece Counting and prompt Beh[ ] on the scale display.
Then it waits for the input of the container number.

The operator scans the container number 401.
If no container number is entered, the display is cleared and the Macro ends.

The entered container number is stored in the variable #60 and the
message BehNr=401 is sent to the WINTCP-Service.
The WINTCP-Service forwards the message via http to the Process-Engine.
The Process-Engine searches for a matching active rule and finds rule GSEBEH.

Rule GSEBEH checks the container number for plausibility and determines container weight and description via web-service.
The container weight is stored in variable #62 and the description in variable #64.
It then calls macro #61.
80.64P%%oP2,16%%C%e Mat[ ]P3,1%%C3,5,13,13%%K %%\Pa%%C%%B%%E%e =80.61P%%o%e MatNr=%%$80.61P%%o%%$%e BehNr=%%$80.60P%%o%%$%e NetGw=%%$1.0P%%o%%$%e BehGw=%%$80.62P%%o%%$%e 13%%&%e
The macro displays the container description from variable #64 and prompt Mat[ ] on the scale screen.
It then waits for input of a material number.

The operator scans material number 7610995457609.
If no material number is entered, the display is cleared and the macro ends.

The material number is stored in variable #61 and message
Matnr=7610995457609 BehNr=401 NetGw=115.262 BehGw=58 is sent to the WINTCP-Service.
The WINTCP-Service forwards the message via http to the Process-Engine.
The Process-Engine searches for matching active rule and finds rule GSEMAT.

The rule checks the material number for plausibility and determines the weight of material and the description.
The material weight is stored in variable #63 and description in variable #65.
Then it determines the count of pieces and stores the value in variable #66.
After a successful update an information message is generated and stored in variable #67.
Subsequently the rule calls the macro #62.
The macro displays information message 12 x M6x80mm booked of variable #67 on the scale display.

The processing is finished and the operator can proceed with the next container using function key F1.

scale variables
Nr | Name | data type | length decimal places Style |
60 | BehNr | Strng | 4 |
61 | MatNr | Strng | 13 |
62 | BehGw | Float | 3 |
63 | MatGw | Float | 3 |
64 | BehBz | Strng | 5 |
65 | MatBz | Strng | 5 |
66 | Stk | Int | Numbr |
67 | Info | Strng | 20 |
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