Beispiel ABAP Code zum Aufruf des BEMACON I/O-Dispatchers
The following ABAP Code demonstrates, how the
BEMACON I/O-Dispatcher
can be called from a SAP®-System via
SOAP (RPC-Style)
to communicate with an
The ASCII command #0100FF in the example sets all output channels to ON.
DATA: gro_exc TYPE REF TO cx_root, gf_errtxt TYPE string, gs_input TYPE zbema_send_asc_cmd, gs_output TYPE zbema_send_asc_cmd_response, gro_iom TYPE REF TO zbema_co_get_iom_port_type. CREATE OBJECT gro_iom EXPORTING logical_port_name = 'ZP1'. gs_input-protocol = 'ADAM'. gs_input-host = ''. gs_input-port = 502. gs_input-cmd = '#0100FF'. CLEAR gro_exc. TRY. CALL METHOD gro_iom->send_asc_cmd EXPORTING input = gs_input IMPORTING output = gs_output. CATCH cx_ai_system_fault INTO gro_exc. CATCH cx_ai_application_fault INTO gro_exc. ENDTRY. IF ( gro_exc IS INITIAL ). IF ( gs_output-error IS INITIAL ). IF ( gs_output-answer = '>01' ). WRITE: / 'Switched all channels ON'. ELSE. WRITE: / 'Error:' , gs_output-answer. ENDIF. ELSE. WRITE: / 'Error:' , gs_output-error. ENDIF. ELSE. gf_errtxt = gro_exc->if_message~get_text( ). WRITE: / 'SOAP-Error:' , gf_errtxt. ENDIF.
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